
How long does shipping take?

The shipping time will vary based on where you are located and whether the product you order is in stock. Normally it will take 10-15 days to your home.

 What methods of shipping do you offer?

We have DHL or EMS shipping methods you can choose.

 How can I track my order?

We will arrange your shipment in 24 hours once your payment is cleared, and our customer service will contact you and send you tracking number within 48 hours. You can check the status of your order at any time by going directly to the links provided by our customer service via email.

What happens if my shipment is lost or stolen?

It is unlikely that your package is lost or stolen. If we approve that your goods disappears, we will resend you another for impenstate. But if the postal service delivers the shoes to the wrong address or you have moved of changed your address without notifying us in advance, we can do nothing to recover your goods.

How do you do about customs?

Our company will try our best to help you avoid the customs. For example, we often write the amounts less than 50 USD as gifts on the package. If you have other problems about custom, please contact our customer service.